List an Issue's Events

GET /api/0/issues/{issue_id}/events/

Return a list of error events bound to an issue

Path Parameters

issue_id (integer)

The ID of the issue you'd like to query.

Query Parameters:

start (string)

The start of the period of time for the query, expected in ISO-8601 format. For example, 2001-12-14T12:34:56.7890.

end (string)

The end of the period of time for the query, expected in ISO-8601 format. For example, 2001-12-14T12:34:56.7890.

statsPeriod (string)

The period of time for the query, will override the start & end parameters, a number followed by one of:

  • d for days
  • h for hours
  • m for minutes
  • s for seconds
  • w for weeks

For example, 24h, to mean query data starting from 24 hours ago to now.

environment (array(string))

The name of environments to filter by.

full (boolean)

Specify true to include the full event body, including the stacktrace, in the event payload.

sample (boolean)

Return events in pseudo-random order. This is deterministic so an identical query will always return the same events in the same order.

query (string)

An optional search query for filtering events.


<auth_token> requires one of the following scopes:
  • event:admin
  • event:read
  • event:write
curl{issue_id}/events/ \
 -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>'
    "eventID": "9fac2ceed9344f2bbfdd1fdacb0ed9b1",
    "tags": [
        "key": "browser",
        "value": "Chrome 60.0"
        "key": "device",
        "value": "Other"
        "key": "environment",
        "value": "production"
        "value": "fatal",
        "key": "level"
        "key": "os",
        "value": "Mac OS X 10.12.6"
        "value": "CPython 2.7.16",
        "key": "runtime"
        "key": "release",
        "value": "17642328ead24b51867165985996d04b29310337"
        "key": "server_name",
        "value": ""
    "dateCreated": "2020-09-11T17:46:36Z",
    "user": null,
    "message": "",
    "title": "This is an example Python exception",
    "id": "dfb1a2d057194e76a4186cc8a5271553",
    "platform": "python",
    "event.type": "error",
    "groupID": "1889724436",
    "crashFile": null,
    "location": "",
    "culprit": "/books/new/",
    "projectID": "49271"