Migration Guide

Migrating between versions of Sentry SDK for .NET.

Upgrading includes both breaking changes and new features.

We're dropping support for some of the old target frameworks. See this GitHub Discussion for details on why.

  • Support for .NET Framework 4.6.1 has been replaced with 4.6.2 because 4.6.1 went out of support in 2022.

  • Support for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5 has been dropped.

  • Support for netstandard2.0 for Sentry.AspNetCore has been dropped.

  • Support for .NET 6 on mobile (e.g: net6.0-android) has been replaced with .NET 7 .
    Due to changes in .NET 8, it's no longer possible to maintain support for .NET 6 mobile-specific targets. As a result, we are transitioning mobile-specific TFMs from net6.0-platform to net7.0-platform. This means that mobile apps built on .NET 6 will now utilize the Sentry .NET 6 package, which provides .NET-only features without native/platform-specific bindings and SDKs. For more information, please refer to this ticket.

  • Support for MAUI Tizen has been dropped

If you're using sentry.io this change does not affect you. This SDK version is compatible with a self-hosted version of Sentry 22.12.0 or higher. If you are using an older version of self-hosted Sentry (aka on-premise), you will need to upgrade.

  • Transaction names for ASP.NET Core are now consistently named HTTP-VERB /path (e.g. GET /home). Previously, the leading forward slash was missing for some endpoints.
  • Setting SentryOptions.Dsn to null now throws ArgumentNullException during initialization.
  • CaptureFailedRequests is now enabled by default.
  • When ImplicitUsings is enabled, the Sentry namespace is automatically added to global usings. If you have conflicts, you can opt out by adding the following to your csproj:
  • Transactions' spans are no longer automatically finished with the status deadline_exceeded by the transaction. This is now handled by Relay.
    • Customers self hosting Sentry must use version 22.12.0 or later
  • The User.IpAddress is now set to {{auto}} by default, even when sendDefaultPII is disabled.
    • To prevent sending IP addresses, use the "Prevent Storing of IP Addresses" option in the "Security & Privacy" project settings on sentry.io.
  • The DiagnosticLogger signature for LogWarning now takes exception as the first parameter. This way, it no longer gets mixed up with TArgs.

  • Class renamed from Sentry.User to Sentry.SentryUser.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Runtime to Sentry.SentryRuntime.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Span to Sentry.SentrySpan.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Transaction to Sentry.SentryTransaction.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Constants to Sentry.SentryConstants.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Context to Sentry.SentryContext.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Package to Sentry.SentryPackage.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Request to Sentry.SentryRequest.
  • Class renamed from Sentry. to Sentry.SentryTransaction.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Session to Sentry.SentrySession.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Attachment to Sentry.SentryAttachment.
  • Class renamed from Sentry.Hint to Sentry.SentryHint.
  • Interface renamed from Sentry.ISession to Sentry.SentryISession.
  • Interface renamed from Sentry.IJsonSerializable to Sentry.SentryIJsonSerializable.
  • Interface renamed from Sentry.ITransaction to Sentry.ITransactionTracer.
  • iOS and MacCatalyst platform-specific options renamed from Cocoa to Native.
  • iOS and MacCatalyst platform-specific options from iOS to Cocoa.
  • iOS platform-specific options renamed from EnableCocoaSdkTracing to EnableTracing.
  • Android platform-specific options renamed from Android to Native.
  • Android platform-specific options renamed from EnableAndroidSdkTracing and EnableAndroidSdkBeforeSend to EnableTracing and EnableBeforeSend respectively.
  • DebugImage and DebugMeta moved to Sentry.Protocol namespace.
  • SentryClient.Dispose is no longer obsolete.
  • ISentryClient.CaptureEvent overloads have been replaced by a single method accepting optional Hint and Scope parameters. You will need to pass hint as a named parameter from code that calls CaptureEvent without passing a scope argument.
  • TransactionContext and SpanContext constructors were updated and unified. If you're constructing instances of these classes, you will need to adjust the order in which you pass parameters to these.
    public TransactionContext(
        string name,
        string operation,
        SpanId? spanId = null,
        SpanId? parentSpanId = null,
        SentryId? traceId = null,
        string? description = "",
        SpanStatus? status = null,
        bool? isSampled = null,
        bool? isParentSampled = null,
        TransactionNameSource nameSource = TransactionNameSource.Custom
  • The DiagnosticLogger signature for LogError and LogFatal now takes the exception as the first parameter. This way, it no longer gets mixed up with the TArgs. The DiagnosticLogger now also receives an overload for LogError and LogFatal that accepts a message only.
  • Distribution added to IEventLike.
  • StackFrame's ImageAddress, InstructionAddress, and FunctionId changed to long?.
  • DebugImage.ImageAddress changed to long?.
  • Contexts now inherit from IDictionary rather than ConcurrentDictionary. The specific dictionary being used is an implementation detail.
  • The method used to configure a Sentry Sink for Serilog now has an additional overload. Calling WriteTo.Sentry() with no arguments will no longer attempt to initialize the SDK (it has optional arguments to configure the behavior of the Sink only). If you want to initialize Sentry at the same time you configure the Sentry Sink, then you will need to use the overload of this method that accepts a DSN as the first parameter (for example, WriteTo.Sentry("https://d4d82fc1c2c4032a83f3a29aa3a3aff@fake-sentry.io:65535/2147483647")).

  • SentrySinkExtensions.ConfigureSentrySerilogOptions is now internal only. If you were using this method, please use one of the SentrySinkExtensions.Sentry extension methods instead.

  • A number of [Obsolete] options have been removed:

    • BeforeSend - use SetBeforeSend instead.
    • BeforeSendTransaction - use SetBeforeSendTransaction instead.
    • BeforeBreadcrumb - use SetBeforeBreadcrumb instead.
    • CreateHttpClientHandler - use CreateHttpMessageHandler instead.
    • ReportAssemblies - use ReportAssembliesMode instead.
    • KeepAggregateException - this property is no longer used and has no replacement.
    • DisableTaskUnobservedTaskExceptionCapture- use DisableUnobservedTaskExceptionCapture instead.
    • DebugDiagnosticLogger - use TraceDiagnosticLogger instead.
  • A number of iOS/Android-specific [Obsolete] options have been removed:

    • Distribution - use SentryOptions.Distribution instead.
    • EnableAutoPerformanceTracking - use SetBeforeSendTransaction instead.
    • EnableCoreDataTracking - use EnableCoreDataTracing instead.
    • EnableFileIOTracking - use EnableFileIOTracing instead.
    • EnableOutOfMemoryTracking - use EnableWatchdogTerminationTracking instead.
    • EnableUIViewControllerTracking - use EnableUIViewControllerTracing instead.
    • StitchAsyncCode - no longer available.
    • ProfilingTracesInterval - no longer available.
    • ProfilingEnabled - use ProfilesSampleRate instead.
  • A number of obsolete types have been removed:

    • SystemClock - use SystemClock.Clock instead.
    • Scope.GetSpan() - use Span property instead.
    • IUserFactory - use ISentryUserFactory instead.
    • SentryException.Data - use SentryException.Mechanism.Data instead.
    • Runtime.Clone() - this shouldn't have been public in the past and has no replacement.
    • AssemblyExtensions - this shouldn't have been public in the past and has no replacement.
    • SentryDatabaseLogging.UseBreadcrumbs() - it is called automatically and has no replacement.
  • A number of interfaces have been removed:

    • IHasMeasurements - use ISpanData instead.
    • IHasBreadcrumbs - use IEventLike instead.
    • ISpanContext - use ITraceContext instead.
    • IHasTransactionNameSource - use ITransactionContext instead.
  • The unused StackFrame.InstructionOffset has been removed.

  • The unused Scope.Platform property has been removed.

  • The obsolete setter Sentry.PlatformAbstractions.Runtime.Identifier has been removed.

  • Sentry.Values<T> is now internal as it is never exposed in the public API.

  • The TracePropagationTarget class has been removed. Use the SubstringOrRegexPattern class instead.

  • The WithScope and WithScopeAsync methods have been removed. We have discovered that these methods didn't work correctly in certain desktop contexts, especially when using a global scope.
    Replace your usage of WithScope with overloads of Capture* methods:

    • SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(SentryEvent @event, Action<Scope> scopeCallback)
    • SentrySdk.CaptureMessage(string message, Action<Scope> scopeCallback)
    • SentrySdk.CaptureException(Exception exception, Action<Scope> scopeCallback)
    // Before
    SentrySdk.WithScope(scope =>
      scope.SetTag("key", "value");
      SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(new SentryEvent());
    // After
    SentrySdk.CaptureEvent(new SentryEvent(), scope =>
      // Configure your scope here
      scope.SetTag("key", "value");

If you're using the Sentry.EntityFramework NuGet package, you must update to at least version 6.2 of the EntityFramework NuGet package.

Please read through all breaking changes prior to upgrading.

The format of the stack traces were greatly improved with the help of Ben Adam's iconic library Ben.Demystifier. Frames now include details such as async, static, the actual return type, method parameters, tuples and their names, and more.

However, this will affect grouping. If you prefer to stay with the original stack trace format, you can opt-out of this feature with:

options.StackTraceMode = StackTraceMode.Original;

In version 3.0.0, the Sentry SDK for .NET changed from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json. Using the new library has many advantages. These include the lack of an additional dependency (when targeting .NET Core 3, .NET 5, and later versions) and much faster performance.

One breaking change that affects objects set as Context and Extra is that Newtonsoft.Json was previously able to serialize some types, which is not possible with System.Text.Json.

Setting an instance of Exception that was caught in a catch block could fail to serialize, and the event would be dropped by Sentry. This won't break your app, but the error wouldn't make it into Sentry:

 ---> System.NotSupportedException: Serialization and deserialization of 'System.Type' instances are not supported and should be avoided since they can lead to security issues.
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.TypeConverter.Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Type value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1.TryWrite(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T& value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)
   at System.Text.Json.JsonPropertyInfo`1.GetMemberAndWriteJson(Object obj, WriteStack& state, Utf8JsonWriter writer)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1.OnTryWrite(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1.TryWrite(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T& value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)
   at System.Text.Json.JsonPropertyInfo`1.GetMemberAndWriteJson(Object obj, WriteStack& state, Utf8JsonWriter writer)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.Converters.ObjectDefaultConverter`1.OnTryWrite(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1.TryWrite(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T& value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)
   at System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonConverter`1.WriteCore(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T& value, JsonSerializerOptions options, WriteStack& state)

To avoid this issue, pass a serializable object into Sentry. For example, map the instance of Exception to an anonymous object:

    throw new ArgumentNullException("test");
catch (Exception e)
    SentrySdk.ConfigureScope(s =>
        s.Contexts["Exception"] = new
    SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("Exception in contexts");

Classes under Sentry.Protocol were moved to the root namespace Sentry. All except Context classes like App, Device, etc.

ASP.NET (not Core) users need to install an additional package, Sentry.AspNet. Without this package, HTTP related information will not be added to events.

You can plug the package into the Init as follows:


The motivation was to remove the reference to System.Web and decouple the core of the package from any specific namespaces of the .NET Framework. This change improves the experience from other environments, such as game engines like Unity and Godot.

To match Sentry's default environment naming convention, unless explicitly set otherwise, the Sentry environment will be reported in lowercase. That means if ASPNET_ENVIRONMENT is equal to Production, the Sentry SDK will report it as production.

The option IncludeRequestPayload that was deprecated in the Sentry SDK 2.0 has been removed. The replacement is the option MaxRequestBodySize.

Sentry's tracing capabilities requires additive API changes to interfaces such as IHub and ISentryClient. If you implement your own IHub, you'll need to implement two new methods:

ISentryClient received: CaptureTransaction. IHub received: StartTransaction and GetTraceHeader.

To align with other SDKs, the option is now named: DiagnosticLogger Docs PR.

SentryOptions now take a string for Dsn:

Before: o.Dsn = new Dsn(".."); After: o.Dsn = "..";

The property of SentryEvent that supports a structured log entry was renamed to Message to align with the protocol and other SDKs.

This version uses the envelope endpoint. If you are using an on-premise installation it requires Sentry version >= v20.6.0 to work. If you are using sentry.io nothing will change and no action is needed.

You can optionally have events cached to disk. To do so, specify which directory the SDK can use to write crash files:

options.CacheDirectoryPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData))

You can add attachments to events. Please refer to our Attachments documentation.

You can add user feedback to events via a .NET API. Please refer to the User Feedback documentation.

A new package was added ASP.NET Core gPRC support, adding the ability to log the request payload in case of errors.

Please refer to GitHub for the complete release notes.

Below are the main differences between SharpRaven and Sentry SDK, including a list of features available in Sentry SDK that are not available in SharpRaven.

  • Automatic capture of global unhandled exceptions (AppDomain)
  • Scope management
  • Duplicate events automatically dropped
  • Events from the same exception automatically dropped
  • Web proxy support
  • HttpClient/HttpClientHandler configuration callback
  • Compress request body
  • Event sampling opt-in
  • Event flooding protection (429 retry-after and internal bound queue)
  • Release automatically set (AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute, AssemblyVersion or env var)
  • DSN discovered via environment variable
  • Release (version) reported automatically
  • CLS Compliant
  • Strong named
  • BeforeSend and BeforeBreadcrumb callbacks
  • Event and Exception processors
  • SourceLink (including PDB in nuget package)
  • Device OS info sent
  • Device Runtime info sent
  • Enable SDK debug mode (opt-in)
  • Attach stack trace for captured messages (opt-in)

  • Includes all features from the Sentry package.
  • BeginScope data added to Sentry scope, sent with events
  • LogInformation or higher added as breadcrumb, sent with next events.
  • LogError or higher automatically captures an event
  • Minimal levels are configurable.

  • Includes all features from the Sentry package.
  • Includes all features from the Sentry.Extensions.Logging package.
  • Easy ASP.NET Core integration, single line: UseSentry.
  • Captures unhandled exceptions in the middleware pipeline
  • Captures exceptions handled by the framework UseExceptionHandler and Error page display.
  • Any event sent will include relevant application log messages
  • RequestId as tag
  • URL as tag
  • Environment is automatically set (IHostingEnvironment)
  • Request payload can be captured if opt-in
  • Support for EventProcessors registered with DI
  • Support for ExceptionProcessors registered with DI
  • Captures logs from the request (using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging)
  • Supports configuration system (e.g: appsettings.json)
  • Server OS info sent
  • Server Runtime info sent
  • Request headers sent
  • Request body compressed

All packages are:

  • Strong named
  • Tested on Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Tested on .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Mono

It's also very configurable, for example:

  • HTTP Proxy
  • Event sampling
  • Enable request body extraction
  • Send PII data (Personal Identifiable Information, requires opt-in)
  • Read diagnostics activity data
  • BeforeSend: Callback to modify/reject event before sending
  • BeforeBreadcrumb: Callback to modify/reject a breadcrumb
  • LogEventFilter: Filter events by inspecting log data
  • Maximum number of breadcrumbs to store
  • Event queue depth
  • Shutdown timeout: If there are events to send, how long to wait until shutdown
  • Accept compressed response
  • Compress request body
  • Breadcrumb level: Minimum log level to store as a breadcrumb
  • Event level: Minimum log level to send an event to Sentry
  • Disable duplicate event detection
  • Disable capture of global unhandled exceptions
  • Add event processor
  • Add exception processor
  • Enable SDK debug mode
  • Attach stack trace for captured messages (opt-in)

Upgrading from SharpRaven to Sentry SDK includes the following breaking changes.

If your project is targeting .NET Framework, it will need to be using at least v4.6.1 to use Sentry (SharpRaven supported .NET Framework v3.5 and higher).

Changed how to initialize Sentry:

// Initialize with DSN

// Initialize with options
SentrySdk.Init(o =>
    o.Dsn = "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0";

For ASP.NET (classic) integration, add Sentry.AspNet package and initialize it by calling o.AddAspNet():

using Sentry.AspNet;

SentrySdk.Init(o =>
    o.Dsn = "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0";


Contrary to SharpRaven, events in Sentry SDK are sent in background without blocking the currently executing code. Calling SentrySdk.CaptureException(...) does not immediately send an event, but instead queues it up on a background thread.

Usage changes:

// Before
await ravenClient.CaptureAsync(...);

// After

If you need to stop the execution until events captured are sent to Sentry, you can also flush the queue:

// Only proceed once exception is captured. Waiting up to 2 seconds for it.
await SentrySdk.FlushAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

You can close the SDK, which will also flush the event queue, by invoking the IDisposable returned by SentrySdk.Init(...):

var sentryInitialization = SentrySdk.Init("https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0");

// Capture a non-error message
SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("hello world");

// Tear down Sentry and flush queued up events

Usage changes:

// Before
ravenClient.BeforeSend = requester =>
    // Here you can log data from the requester
    // or replace it entirely if you want.
    return requester;

// After
SentrySdk.Init(o =>
    o.BeforeSend = e =>
        // Mutate the event or return null to drop it altogether
        return e;

SharpRaven used IUserFactory interface for extracting user information. In Sentry SDK you can instead provide user information directly:

SentrySdk.ConfigureScope(scope =>
    scope.User = new User
        Id = "42",
        Email = "john.doe@example.com"

For ASP.NET Core applications, this is done automatically. User information is extracted from the context of the currently executing request.

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Our documentation is open source and available on GitHub. Your contributions are welcome, whether fixing a typo (drat!) or suggesting an update ("yeah, this would be better").